SKU: 355-02130

Compatible 3D Printers:

  • Fortus
    • Fortus F900
    • Fortus 450mc
    • Fortus 380mc
    • Fortus 400mc Plus
    • Fortus 360mc Plus


Product Description:

ABS-ESD7™ (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene-electrostatic dissipative) is an ABS thermoplastic with static dissipative properties for applications where a static charge can damage products, impair their performance or cause an explosion. ABS-ESD7 prevents a buildup of static electricity, so it will not produce a static shock or cause other materials like powders, dust and fine particles to stick to it. Ideal for electronic products with circuit boards and for the transportation and industrial equipment industries. Most widely used to create jigs and fixtures for the assembly of electronic components, but it is also useful for building functional prototypes of fuel storage and delivery products, as well as cases, enclosures and packaging.

ABS-ESD7 Filament Canister / Standard / Fortus Plus / 92ci

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