SKU: 6711341777078

Length: 4 days
9am-4:30pm CST

Prerequisites: Basic experience with the SOLIDWORKS software and the Windows operating system. A basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets is helpful.e

Description: The focus of this course is on the fundamental skills and concepts central to the successful administration of DriveWorks software.

Topics covered in this course:

DriveWorks Pro Training Overview

Training Prerequisites

About DriveWorks Pro

  • DriveWorks Live
  • DriveWorks Autopilot
  • DriveWorks User

Additional Tools in Driveworks Pro

  • DriveWorks Pro Server
  • DriveWorks Data Management
  • DriveWorks License Managenent Tool
  • DriveWorks Group Upscale Tool
  • DriveWorks Documentation

Training Introduction

  • Imagine You Design Conveyors

Lesson 1: 3 Step Process for Creating a DriveWorks Project

  • Creating a Group and Capturing Models

Lesson 2: Building a User Interface in DriveWorks Administrator

Lesson 3: Building Rules

Lesson 4: Running your Project

Lesson 5: File Name and Relative Path Rules

Lesson 6: Tables

Lesson 7: Form Navigation

  • Form Templates
  • Static and Dynamic Control Properties
  • Advanced Form Controls

Lesson 8: Dynamic Replacement Files

Lesson 9: Data Management

Lesson 10: Documents

Lesson 11: Drawings

Lesson 12: Specification Control

Lesson 13: What is a Macro?

  • Specification Macros
  • Macro Buttons
  • Preparing Your Models for Automation

Lesson 14: Advanced Form Controls

Lesson 15: Advanced Specification Control

Lesson 16: Linking to Data

Lesson 17: Rollup Data Tables

Lesson 18: Hierarchical Properties

Lesson 19: Generation Tasks

Items included with course (to be sent to the shipping address provided):

DriveWorks training manual

DriveWorks Pro Administrator - Instructor Led Online Training

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