SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard - Self Paced Training (supported)
**CAMWorks Users: Because SOLIDWORKS CAM is powered by CAMWorks, the lessons and examples in this course are completely transferable to the CAMWorks tool. Tools, strategies, and toolpaths can be passed between both softwares seamlessly, and there are minimal differences in the User Interface. We highly recommend this course to both SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks Users alike.
Length: 30 days access from the time the course is started.
Prerequisites: Access to SOLIDWORKS 2019 or newer. Have completed SOLIDWORKS Essentials course; experience with the Windows® operating system
Description: GoEngineer's Supported, Self-paced Training is different than other online training courses. Rather than being on your own to understand the material, our students are able to work with our US-based team of SOLIDWORKS CAM Instructors to make sure you understand the material and that you're learning the concepts you need to be successful.
Our instructor team is available Monday-Friday from 7am-7pm CST.
Students can Schedule Office Hours with our team or call our team for on-demand help by using the toll-free number (866) 731-0091.
Topics covered in this course:
- SOLIDWORKS CAM Basics and User Interface
- Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR)
- Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR)
- Interactive Operations
- Merging Feature and Operations
- Avoid and Contain Areas
- Pattern Feature and Mirror Toolpaths
- Advanced Features and Operations
- Customizing the Technology Database